Helping ND Families Find Safe and Affordable Child Care Programs

Child Care Aware of North Dakota


Free to use photo by Gustavo Fring


In the heart of North Dakota, where families often grapple with the high costs and scarce availability of child care, Child Care Aware of ND emerges as a beacon of hope. This vital program bridges the gap between working parents and licensed child care providers, ensuring every child has access to a safe, nurturing, and educational environment. Whether you're new to the area or reassessing your child care needs, Child Care Aware of ND offers comprehensive resources across all counties, aiming to enhance the quality and accessibility of child care for every family.

Helping Both Families and Providers Meet Their Needs

The Child Care Aware of ND program realizes that finding the right child care for children is one of the hardest decisions a parent must make. The program recognizes that child care influences a child’s development, and social, and learning skills for their entire lives. The program encourages parents to research the child care facilities in their region. Before reaching out prepare a list of questions for the provider to answer. The program partners with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, to provide parents with the right kind of information to help them make an educated decision. The following is a list of just some of the resources made available by the Child Care Aware of ND program:

  •         Find Child Care- Using free online search tools provided by the program to help parents find the facility that meets their needs.

o   For one-on-one help, contact a Child Care Aware® Parent Services Specialist by phone: (800) 997-8515 or email at

  •         Tips for Choosing Child Care- Finding the right child care for your children takes time and the Child Care Aware of ND provides resources to help, including the steps you should take to find a child care facility.

o   Learn about your options.

o   Begin your search.

o   Visit and ask questions.

o   Take a closer look.

o   Get involved.

  •         Cost of Child Care- Child care is a big expense to families, this program provides information about child care costs from across the state and helps find options to help parents pay for care. The cost of child care has many factors that can change what the facility costs.

o   Your child’s age.

o   The type of care.

o   The location, etc.

·         Understanding Early Care- Like any other business, child care programs must follow the rules and regulations to protect themselves and the children they care for. Understanding all of the specific practices that come with being licensed is hard, but the Child Care Aware of ND helps you navigate through:

o   Learning about child care licensing.

o   Adult-to-child ratios and group sizes.

o   Learning about early learning standards.

o   Finding accredited child care programs.

  •         Create A Backup Child Care Plan- There are times when normal child care options are not available due to illness, weather, holidays, etc., but this program helps to find tips and options for parents when they are in need.

  •         Report A Concern- If you would like to report a concern you have about a child care facility, talk with the Licensing Specialist in your county. Causes for concern would include:

o   Serious injury and / or death in child care.

o   Child care licensing violations.

o   Suspected abuse and neglect.

  •         More Resource for Families- Families might have many more questions and concerns that are not covered in the topics above, such as:

o   Child care licensing and regulations.

o   Child development.

o   Children with special needs.

o   Helping children learn and grow.

o   Financial assistance for families.

o   Out-of-school care and parenting education.

o   Child well-being services.

o   Where to turn during a crisis.

Child Care Aware of North Dakota does more than merely connect families with ideal care settings; it empowers aspiring child care providers to launch and nurture their own programs within their homes and communities. This initiative offers a roadmap for success, guiding providers through the intricacies of starting up, selecting the perfect facility, and understanding the nuances of workplace programs. With an arsenal of resources tailored for providers, the Child Care Aware of ND website demystifies the licensing process, clarifying the distinctions between group, center, and unlicensed operations. It meticulously outlines the capacity regulations tied to each license type and streamlines the journey towards acquiring the desired license for your child care vision.

Making A Difference in Our Communities

In the heart of North Dakota, a staggering 120,371 children are in dire need of child care, yet the state is home to only 1,352 licensed child care facilities, capable of accommodating a mere 36,529 young children. This glaring gap highlights a critical challenge—but Child Care Aware of ND is on a mission to bridge it. With a steadfast commitment to transforming the landscape of child care, they aim to empower both providers and working families by facilitating access to affordable, dependable care and equipping providers to successfully manage their operations. By deploying essential resources, Child Care Aware of ND is not just addressing a gap; they're weaving a stronger community fabric, ensuring every child and provider has the support they need to thrive.

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Child Care Aware of North Dakota

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