The Natural Resources Stewardship Committee was created as an ad hoc committee for the purpose of working with the Vision West ND Board of Directors, consortium, and administration. The Natural Resources Stewardship Committee’s primary purpose is to assist with the planning, development, and implementation of programs that preserve the health of public and private lands.

Scope and Key Objectives

  • Improve and modernize existing reclamation and mitigation processes to reflect current natural resource management principles and engage local stakeholders in the process.

  • Partner with local producers, Soil Conservation Districts, NDSU Extension, planning and zoning commissions, county commissions, local weed boards, and other local stakeholders to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities related to natural resource stewardship.

  • Partner, when possible, with the ND Industrial Commission, ND Public Service Commission, ND Department of Agriculture, Northwest Landowners Association, Natural Resources Trust, and others to develop education and outreach materials and new approaches in addressing natural resource stewardship concerns.

  • Engage, where possible, with those that can assist landowners with pipeline restoration and reclamation.